Saturday, February 12, 2011


I. Dislike it. Lots.

It brought me to tears tonight, this forgetfulness things. It's my enemy, I pray God makes it go away.

Or I at least pray I forget less important things. Or pray I remember things.

Monday, February 7, 2011


So. I've found out how to blog on my phone. It'll never end now. >:)
Regardless, I don't actually have a story to blog about other then that. I suppose random facts about my body will do? My back hurts... that's really all I want to share with all you random people. I may not even know half of you. Or over half of you.
This is getting creepier by the second.

Different subject.
I get to see the love of my life in three days Lord willing. I'm excited about that. Which reminds me... is today really the seventh? Goodness time's decided to fly right over my head hasn't it? Oh how nice time seems to be to me. /sarcasm

Anyway. I think I'm done rambling on about nothing for now. c:
Thank you for reading. <3

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hand Sanitizer .

The oddest thing happened guize. I've started to use hand sanitizer more the normal.... by like, a lot. Why? I haven't the slightest idea. It started, I'm only guessing, when I was told that using hand sanitizer on your hands was equivalent to washing your hands for ten seconds straight. I would rather spend two seconds outside of the bathroom sitting down on my booty rubbing hand sanitizer on my hand then standing in the bathroom for twenty extra seconds scrubbing, cleaning, and drying my hands.

That was my random thought of the day, and to think, the day is almost over. Hm. (: